6 Talks By Brilliant Black Women You Need To Watch
With her new show, Dr. Melissa Harris-Perry brought black brilliance to broader audience. But those of us who have the pleasure of interacting similarly brilliant black women daily know Melissa is the rule not the exception.
This Women's History Month, we're taking a moment to celebrate the genius of Black women scholars by compiling a few of their most riveting lectures and discussions. You'll need an afternoon or two to get through them all, but it will be worth it. Trust us.
In Conversation: Michaela Angela Davis and Melissa Harris-Perry
bell hooks: Ending Domination — The Struggle Continues
Michelle Alexander: Drug War Racism
Cathy Cohen: Beyond Bullying, Marriage, and Military: Race, Radicalism and Queer Politics
Mary Pattillo: Black Middle Class
Angela Davis: How Does Change Happen?
Which Black woman scholar has most impacted you?
Which Black woman scholar has most impacted you?
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