What I Learned When I Finally Stopped Paying My "Girlfriend Dues"
by Ariel C. Williams
By the time I reached my early 20’s, I found myself in a relationship that depleted me of my true identity and existence. My nose was wide open as I pictured my life with this mega-tall, dark chocolate, comedic, and handsome country man who seemed to ease all of my worries with a forehead kiss and a tight hug. And these were the very things that made me turn my head to the red flags when they were waved. Thinking it was my duty to pay my “girlfriend dues,” I became accustomed to late nights with no warning phone calls, him expressing lust instead of love, and having my appearance – freshly chopped natural hair and casual work attire – questioned. I expected to be adorned in the same love and loyalty that I gave. What I’d allowed, though, was a man to dictate the way I viewed myself all because I wanted to keep him happy.
When I’d gather the courage to ask the hard relationship questions, I learned how uncomfortable it was to not only express myself, but how much he hated having The Talk. Eventually, I stopped asking him questions and began to question what in hell was wrong with me, a once vibrant 20-something with dreams and visions, and why I chose to sit there.
Why do women put their hearts and logic on the line for the sake of love and companionship? Why do we allow people and things that we know aren’t good for us in our lives? Why do we crave someone who doesn’t want to really be there in the first place?
These were questions I asked myself and the young women around me who were in a toxic relationships, or who’d gotten out of one by the skins of their teeth. In a heart to heart with a friend, she said, with tears in her eyes, that she stayed in a bad relationship because in addition to loving him, she thought she could change him. While our situations differed, our reasons for being so open were the same: misguided expectations of love. That moment allowed for me to see myself in another woman and ultimately choose a life where no one determined my happiness for me but me. I realized that womanhood creates resiliency and that I had to love me so damn hard that it wouldn’t matter if someone else did.
In an article addressing the reasons women stay in bad relationships, licensed psychologist Dr. Marie Hartwell-Walker, Ed.D. says that, “the most common answer I get when I ask women why they stay in bad relationships is 'because I love him.'” She later writes that, “Love isn’t always rational, it’s true. There’s no accounting for chemistry. But the fact is that love, especially one-sided love, isn’t enough to sustain a relationship.”
I agree with her. Realizing I deserved more, I listened to the part of my heart that needed me and ignored the part that desired him and ended our long term relationship. The right words to use weren’t there, but he could see it in my eyes that I could no longer sacrifice loving me for loving him. And for the first time during the relationship, he had my back and let me go.
I now know that empty people cannot love others. For the first time, I held myself accountable for being that once dangerously empty person who’d reach for the first warm hug a male would extend. Regardless of how I was raised, realizing that I was in control of the kind of woman or girlfriend or wife I chose to be was groundbreaking. Because even though my mother did Super Woman so well, her responsibilities weren’t for me and now I know that’s OK.
Photo Credit: Shuttertock
Ariel C. Williams is a writer and the author of The Girl Talk Chronicles. She writes about girl talk, self-love and innovation on her blog, www.arielsaysnow.com, and is known as @ArielSaysNow.
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